Star Wars: Tales of the Empire Season 1 TV Series Details
Star Wars: Tales is an American animated anthology television series created by Dave Filoni for the streaming service Disney+. Each installment consists of six shorts that explore different characters from the Star Wars franchise. The first, Tales of the Jedi, explores Jedi from the prequel trilogy era, while the second, Tales of the Empire, explores characters related to the Galactic Empire. The series is produced by Lucasfilm Animation, with Charles Murray as head writer and Filoni as supervising director.
Filoni began writing Tales of the Jedi, also known as Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi, while working on the Star Wars series The Mandalorian. He revealed the first official details about the series in May 2022. It follows two “paths”, one focused on the character Ahsoka Tano (voiced by Ashley Eckstein) and the other on the character Count Dooku (voiced by Corey Burton). Tales of the Jedi was released on Disney+ on October 26, 2022, and received critical acclaim, with praise towards its animation, writing, and musical score.
A second installment was announced in April 2023, and was revealed a year later to be titled Tales of the Empire. Also known as Star Wars: Tales of the Empire, it is again split into two arcs: one follows Morgan Elsbeth (voiced by Diana Lee Inosanto) and the other follows former Jedi Barriss Offee (voiced by Meredith Salenger). Tales of the Empire was released on May 4, 2024.
While traveling to work on the Star Wars series The Mandalorian, Dave Filoni began writing short stories about different Jedi characters from the franchise’s prequel trilogy era. Carrie Beck, senior vice president of development and production at Lucasfilm, asked if Filoni wanted to turn these into a series, which he compared to her “find[ing] the money” for a revival of his animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars on the streaming service Disney+.
In December 2021, the logo for Tales of the Jedi was included on holiday gifts for Lucasfilm employees alongside logos for upcoming film and television projects at the studio. This was also the name of an unrelated comic book series published by Dark Horse Comics in the 1990s. Lucasfilm confirmed the project when announcing the schedule for Star Wars Celebration Anaheim in May 2022. Filoni discussed the animated anthology series, also known as Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi, in a dedicated panel, revealing that the series consists of six shorts, five of which were written by Filoni and the other by The Clone Wars writer Charles Murray with Élan Murray. Each short is approximately 15 minutes long. Filoni also served as creator, supervising director, and executive producer, with Athena Yvette Portillo and Beck also as executive producers.
At Star Wars Celebration London in April 2023, Filoni announced that the series would receive a second season. This was revealed to be titled Tales of the Empire or Star Wars: Tales of the Empire a year later. Lucasfilm described it as the second installment of the “Tales franchise”.
May 4, 2024
Star Wars: Tales of the Empire Season 1 Download Files
- E01 – “The Path of Fear”
- E02 – “The Path of Anger”
- E03 – “The Path of Hate”
- E04 – “Devoted”
- E05 – “Realization”
- E06 – “The Way Out”
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